September 2023 Industry Status and Trends

Release Time: 2023-09-04

  • l memory foam industry capacity rapid expansion

China's memory foam industry in recent years, the momentum of development is strong, the production capacity continues to improve. 2023, the main domestic memory foam enterprises have increased investment, new or expanded production lines, the overall production capacity is expected to reach more than 10% growth in this year. This on the one hand reflects the consumer demand for memory foam products continue to be strong, on the other hand, also highlights the industry's high degree of confidence in the future development prospects of enterprises.

  • l consumer demand for environmental protection products to improve

In recent years, Chinese consumers in the purchase of memory foam mattresses, pillows and other products, pay more and more attention to product environmental protection and sustainability. Enterprises began to pay attention to the environmental impact of the product life cycle, the use of more environmentally friendly raw materials and production processes, improve the recyclability of products. Some brands took the lead in launching the “green” series, favored by consumers, and further promote the industry's transition to sustainable development.

  • l Chinese memory foam brands to speed up overseas expansion

With China's memory foam products in terms of quality and cost-effective advantages increasingly prominent, more and more domestic brands are actively developing overseas markets. They participate in large international exhibitions, and local channels to establish cooperation, etc., and strive to enhance the influence and visibility of China's memory foam brands in the global market. This not only helps to increase the scale of exports, but also helps China's memory foam industry to internationalization.


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